Pie chart shows how much time 934 company directors surveyed feel their boards of directors should spend on crisis management and planning. The four options were “much more time,” “some increase of time,” “no change” and “decrease time.”

The results were as follows:

Change in time spent Percentage
Much more time 4%
Some increase of time 35%
No change 60%
Decrease time 1%

Four percent of company directors say their boards should spend “much more time” on crisis management and planning; 35 percent of company directors say their boards should spend at least “some” more time on crisis management and planning; 60 percent of company directors, a majority of respondents in the survey, say their boards do not need to change the amount of time they spend on crisis management and planning; and only 1 percent say their boards should decrease the amount of time they spend on crisis management and planning.

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